Colts, Versiti Blood Center of Indiana partner for annual Bleed Blue Blood Drive

2 years ago 294

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Colts are partnering with Versiti Blood Center of Indiana to clasp the 22nd yearly Bleed Blue Blood Drive Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m connected Friday.

It’s the largest single-day humor thrust successful the state.

Versiti hopes to cod much than 1,000 units of lifesaving humor to assistance Hoosiers successful need.

Those who donate volition person a limited-edition Colts shot featuring wide receiver, Michael Pittman Jr., and person exclusive photograph opportunities with the Colts Cheerleaders and squad mascot, “Blue.” Donors besides volition person the accidental to triumph 2 abstracted pairs of tickets to the upcoming Fan Appreciation Game astatine Lucas Oil Stadium connected Jan. 2, 2022, against the Las Vegas Raiders.

“Blood supplies nationwide are astatine historically debased levels, an particularly troubling motion arsenic we caput into the vacation season. Without humor available, patients’ lives could beryllium astatine risk,” said Penny Schroeder, country vice president and manager of donor services astatine Versiti. “We cognize that Colts fans are immoderate of the astir loyal and dedicated successful the country. Bleed Blue is an breathtaking accidental to cheer connected your squad portion besides giving the acquisition of lifesaving blood.”

Due to the continued interaction of the COVID-19 pandemic, Versiti’s mobile humor collections are down much than 16,000 units of humor this year, with much than 4,500 units successful Indiana alone. To support a three-day proviso of lifesaving blood, Versiti needs connected mean 10,500 donors per week crossed its footprint, with much than 2,300 needed successful Indiana.

Donating humor takes astir an hour. Anyone property 17 oregon older successful bully wellness who meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to give. Parental consent is required for donors property 16 to donate blood. Donors should bring a photograph ID that includes their commencement date.

This twelvemonth volition look different. Free childcare services volition not beryllium offered this year.

Donors are asked to not bring further visitors oregon household with them during their donation, particularly those wrong a susceptible population. Games and different activities, which person been offered during Bleed Blue successful the past, unfortunately, volition not beryllium offered this year. Field entree volition beryllium constricted to a azygous photograph accidental presumption astatine which donors tin instrumentality their ain photos.

Each donor volition beryllium temperature- and symptom-screened earlier entering the donor area. All donors, guests, volunteers and Versiti unit and volunteers volition beryllium required to deterioration a disguise oregon facial covering astatine Bleed Blue. Visitors without a disguise oregon look covering volition beryllium fixed a disposable disguise for use.

To docket an assignment to donate blood, telephone 1-317-916-5150 oregon click here.

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