Kanye West releases new album 'Donda' after delay

2 years ago 260

(CNN)After a hold and aggregate listening events successful caller weeks, Kanye West released his caller workplace medium "Donda" connected Sunday.

Kanye West's latest listening lawsuit   featured Marilyn Manson, DaBaby, and Kim successful  a wedding dress

The medium includes contributions from Jay-Z, The Weeknd, Young Thug, Jay Electronica, The Lox, Travis Scott and others.

    There are 27 tracks listed connected the Spotify playlist for the album. The opus "Jail pt. 2," which reportedly features DaBaby, is listed but not yet unavailable.

      "Donda" was primitively scheduled for merchandise connected July 22, pursuing the archetypal of 3 elaborate listening events.

      West took up residence astatine Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium to implicit enactment connected the medium earlier holding a last lawsuit successful Chicago connected Thursday, wherever DaBaby, Marilyn Manson and Kim Kardashian West, who filed for divorcement from West successful February, participated.

      West's past album, the Grammy-winning gospel grounds "Jesus is King," was released successful 2019.

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