The 12 Days Of Video Games

2 years ago 508

In concept, the opus “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is conscionable a large database of astonishing gifts to get your important different for the holidays. But successful practice, it’s useless! Seriously. Who has 20 antithetic kinds of birds connected their privation list, and wherever would you adjacent enactment them all? But it’s undeniably catchy. So, we thought we’d spruce up this classical carol by replacing each those unwanted fowl with immoderate large game-related gifts you could get your existent emotion (or truly anyone) this vacation season. Hopefully, this mentation volition drawback connected soon.

Twelve Spartans Fighting

Well, astatine slightest successful Halo Infinite’s Big Team Battle multiplayer mode, 12 Spartans are warring connected your side. Another 12 are trying to instrumentality you down. But, due to the fact that the developer made the latest Halo entry’s multiplayer free, it’s an casual acquisition to give. There’s besides a truly awesome single-player run if your giftee wants much Halo Infinite.

Eleven Engines Humming

Imagine sitting down the instrumentality of a parachute-equipped car being pushed retired of an airplane. Then, erstwhile the tires interaction down, uncovering yourself successful the mediate of a contention that runs done Mexico’s divers landscape. Forza Horizon 5 players don’t person to ideate due to the fact that this each happens successful the game’s epic opening series and lone gets amended from there.

Ten Bikes A-Speeding

Who doesn’t privation to alert crossed the godforsaken connected a hoverbike? Sable volition permission your acquisition recipient feeling similar a premix betwixt a Jedi and Link successful Breath of the Wild arsenic they ride, climb, and glide done the beckoning environment. With nary ever-present, over-arching ngo looming implicit the adventure, players tin simply bask this experience.

Nine Planets Rifting

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

The perfectly gorgeous instrumentality of PlayStation’s acquainted mascots, Ratchet and Clank, sees the heroes battling crossed some abstraction and time. The nostalgia-filled platformer features 9 chiseled planets, each of which are affected by the rifts that person begun to unfastened up crossed the galaxy. This dimension-breaking crippled is an upgraded locomotion down representation lane.

Eight Marks A-Slaying

Colt is simply a antheral connected a mission. He’s going to get disconnected the isolated land he’s stuck connected and interruption the loop that keeps him repeating the past time implicit and implicit again. To bash that, helium indispensable termination 8 almighty people. But with everyone against him and clip moving out, that task is easier said than done.

Seven Souls A-Reaping

In Death’s Door, you play arsenic a crow whose 9 to 5 sees him reaping the souls of the living; until thing goes wrong. To acceptable things right, you person to combat your mode done 7 main bosses, each being harder than the last. The combat mechanics are top-tier and lucifer the game’s amazingly thoughtful narrative.

Six Geese A-Honking

We tried to get each the birds retired of this carol, but 1 managed to sneak its mode backmost in. Untitled Goose Game was initially released arsenic a single-player acquisition but aboriginal expanded, allowing for sofa co-op. So, truly you’d request to get 3 copies of the crippled to get six geese honking each astatine once, but if you managed to get that acceptable up, it would beryllium worthy it.

Five Tiiiiime Loops

Returnal, Loop Hero, Outer Wilds, 12 Minutes, The Forgotten City

It’s tempting to telephone 2021 the twelvemonth of the clip loop, arsenic truthful galore astonishing titles featured the conception successful their designs this year. Instead of being repetitive, these games managed to weave the thought into the gameplay successful thoughtful and unsocial ways, ensuring each caller instrumentality felt caller and amusive to play.

Four Colors Stirred

Life is Strange: True Colors

Represented by assorted hues, the leader of Life is Strange: True Colors, Alex Chen, tin spot others’ sadness, anger, fear, and joy. The latest introduction successful this much-loved bid sports an enhanced caller look but retains the moving communicative fans person travel to expect from a Life is Strange title.

Three Henchmen

A somewhat spooky title; Inscryption is abbreviated but possibly the astir unexpectedly interesting crippled of the year. It starts arsenic a hopeless paper game. Your foe, a wild-eyed, cabin-dwelling baddie, throws 3 insignificant minions successful your way to triumph and freedom. This crippled is definite to astonishment adjacent the astir seasoned video crippled enthusiast. 

Two Dolls In Love

Okay, truthful the dolls aren’t truthful overmuch successful emotion arsenic they are getting a divorce. And they’re not truly dolls, but a brace of humans magically trapped successful bodies of wood and clay. But that doesn’t halt It Takes Two from being 1 of the champion games of 2021, and it’s a co-op adventure, truthful you tin play it on with whoever you gave it to.

And The Tall Lady From That One Meme

Resident Evil Village whitethorn not look to exude vacation cheer astatine archetypal but conscionable look astatine that castle entryway. You could acceptable an astonishing histrion successful there. Plus, there’s adjacent a quaint, snowy colony nearby. If you’re chill with a veritable smorgasbord of fearfulness tropes haunting your wintertime wonderland, prime this crippled up.

Jill Grodt

Associate Editor

Before penning astir video games, Jill spent astir a decennary moving successful Museums. Her favourite games harvester her emotion of art, history, and storytelling with amusive gameplay. If she isn't gaming successful her spare time, she’s apt wrapped up successful a bully book.

Products In This Article

Resident Evil Villagecover

Resident Evil Village


PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

May 7, 2021

It Takes Twocover

It Takes Two


PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

March 26, 2021


 True Colorscover

Life is Strange: True Colors


PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia, PC

Release Date:

September 10, 2021 (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC), 

December 7, 2021 (Switch)

 Echoes of the Eyecover

Twelve Minutescover

Twelve Minutes


Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

August 19, 2021

The Forgotten Citycover

The Forgotten City


PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Release Date:

July 28, 2021 (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC), 

September 23, 2021 (Switch)

Loop Herocover

Loop Hero

Release Date:

March 4, 2021 (PC), 

December 9, 2021 (Switch)


Untitled Goose Gamecover

Untitled Goose Game


PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mac

Release Date:

September 20, 2019 (Switch, PC, Mac), 

December 17, 2019 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)

Death's Doorcover

Death's Door


PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Release Date:

July 20, 2021 (Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC), 

November 23, 2021 (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch)




PlayStation 5, PC

Release Date:

September 14, 2021

 Rift Apartcover




Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

September 23, 2021

Forza Horizon 5cover

Forza Horizon 5


Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

November 9, 2021

Halo Infinitecover

Halo Infinite


Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC

Release Date:

December 8, 2021

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